22 tips for more productivity in hybrid working models
"The future is hybrid!" The majority of employees want to work in a hybrid working model in the future.
In addition to numerous advantages, there are also some challenges to overcome.
We give you 22 tips that will make your employees more productive in the hybrid working world.
Equipment of work areas
The right office, home office and remote work equipment lays the foundation for your teams to be able to work productively from anywhere. On the one hand, this includes modern technology, without which digital collaboration is not possible. On the other hand, all work areas must also be equipped with suitable office furniture .
1. digital equipment of the office
Equip the office with modern technology such as video conferencing solutions & smartboards so that on-site teams can easily communicate with colleagues outside the office at any time.
2. place of creative exchange
Create optimally equipped creative zones in the office to enable your teams to work together on project planning, creative exchange or brainstorming. For example, you can provide comfortable armchairs & sofas or acoustic furniture and add smartboards and whiteboards.
3. places of concentration
Provide retreats and quiet zones to ensure that your employees also have a suitable place to concentrate on their work in the office. Telephone & meeting boxes are a practical option for this, which can also be used as an additional meeting option.
4. professional workstations in the office & home office
In order to be productive when working from home, you should provide your employees with an ergonomic workstation with a professional office desk and office chair in addition to the office.
5. mobile devices for your teams
Equip your colleagues with powerful and easy-to-transport devices such as laptops, smartphones and tablets so that they can work productively from anywhere and always have access to important documents.
6. equipment for digital meetings
Software solutions
Only with the help of different software solutions is it possible for you and your teams to communicate and collaborate efficiently in a hybrid working model.
7. cloud solutions for shared documents
8. use video conferencing solutions
9. use collaboration tools
10. manage projects digitally
11. provide important information centrally
12. uncomplicated equipment for your employees
13. mobile device management for device administration
With modern MDM solutions, you can centrally manage the laptops, smartphones and tablets in your company. Without having to pick up the devices, you can install updates, adjust security settings and make many other settings.
Processes & Organization
14. scope for employees to make decisions
15. define processes and guidelines
16 Transparent communication
17. coordinate working hours
18. regular meeting dates
Arrange fixed, recurring meetings to discuss the current status of tasks and projects and clarify any queries.
19. training in the use of digital tools
Provide training to ensure that every employee is confident in using the tools used in the company.
20. key figures for productivity
21. strengthen team cohesion
22. adapt onboarding process
Adapt your onboarding processes to the conditions of the hybrid working world and ensure that new employees are motivated and productive right from the start.