Employee Lifecycle - Satisfied employees along the entire employee cycle
The topic of employee satisfaction is playing an increasingly central role in the day-to-day work of HR managers. The employee lifecycle maps the individual phases that employees go through during their time at the company, and analyzing these phases can provide important clues for employee satisfaction optimization measures. Which phases are part of the employee lifecycle? What expectations do employees have in the individual phases? Our guide brings some light into the darkness.
What is the Employee Lifecycle
Importance of the employee lifecycle?
The stages in the employee lifecycle - the 7-phase model
Depending on which phases are included in the model, there are the following different employee lifecycle models:
- 5-phase model: starts with recruiting and ends with the exit
- 6-phase model: starts with attraction and ends with the exit
- 7-phase model: starts with attraction and ends with alumni
1. attraction
A strong employer brand ensures that potential employees become aware of the company and are interested in working for it and getting to know the culture.
2. recruiting
Important: The positive experience should not only be reserved for candidates who get the job in the end. Even rejected applicants can have a positive impact on employer branding, provided they have a good experience during the application phase.
3. onboarding
Your new employees have their first "real" contact with the corporate culture during onboarding. This is why a professionally organized onboarding process is so important. From an employee experience perspective, this is less about professional integration and more about social integration into the company. Create a feel-good atmosphere from day 1 and show your new colleagues that they are welcome and valued.
4th Development
5. retention
6. offboarding & exit
Departing employees should therefore be given a professional and structured exit management program. This shows your appreciation for the work they have done. At the same time, this type of offboarding, for example in the form of an offboarding meeting, offers you the opportunity to identify important optimization potential with regard to the corporate culture and processes.
7. alumni
Employee Lifecycle Management
To this end, the phases of the employee lifecycle are analyzed as part of an iterative process.
- regularly examined for the status quo
- compared with the wishes and ideas of the employees and evaluated
- and optimized by means of suitable measures.